How to staying healthy.

Eat mostly plants:

Yes we all know that vegetables are good for us, however are we eating enough? The recommended amount stated by 'the dietary guidelines' is 5 serving a day. As I have stated on my Facebook page, it is National Nutrition Week where we #tryfor5 ! This is a great initiative as increasing the consumption of vegetables has the ability to reduce many diseases. Diseases such as: heart disease; type 2 diabetes; and some cancers. Adding more vegetables to your diet is not as hard as you may think. There are many delicious vegetarian recipes online! If you have any issues with finding these recipes, don't hesitate to email me. 

Love legumes: 

As a population we need to start loving beans and legumes. They are a great source of carbohydrates and proteins. Instead of opting for a sandwich at lunch where the bread is highly processed, maybe a few days a week make a salad with legumes instead. With there low GI properties legumes help keep the blood sugar levels stable, reducing the risk of diabetes, and high in fibre can help reduced the risk of bowel cancer. 

Swap some meat for fish:

As a meat lover myself cutting down on red meat wasn't easy. However, there are many harmful side effects associated with the overconsumption of red meat. Studies show that the overconsumption can increase your risk of bowel cancer. Substituting 1 or 2 days a week to NO MEAT DAYS will not only make you feel healthier it is also great for your budget. 

FISHY FISH is amazing for your health especially the oily fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon and mackerel. The oils found in fish have been positively linked to heart health, brain function and reducing the signs of depression. I would aim at trying to incorporate fish 2 or 3 times a week, whether that is fresh or from a can. 


Many of us feel like we don't have time to exercise! I know I do some days! However, we need to make time. Exercise is extremely important for our health, whether that be 10-30 minutes a day. However, if you are unable to do this just start small. Every little bit counts. You will feel your mood be more positive due to the release of endorphins, making you want to do more anyway! Let get active! 


Stay Fresh x